Digging Rules

Please Read Rules Below




All Visitors age 18 and up are required to read these regulations and participate in this ‘site-specific safety training’ prior to entering the mine, and sign a waiver of liabilityREAD ALL BEFORE YOU SIGNThe following comply with Federal regulations as outlined by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), and must be followed for YOUR SAFETY.

  1. The mine is located in an uncontrolled wilderness environment and Visitors agree to take full responsibility for their health, safety and welfare in that environment. Possible hazards may include but are not limited to: ticks, poison ivy, briars, ants, insects, snakes, wild animals, dogs, sunburn,
  1. Regarding your personal health, visitors must be in generally good health. There are occasions when visitors have experienced dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, weak knees, heaviness in chest, or other uneasy feelings.  If you do not feel well for any reason, sit down, and ask for help. Management reserves the right to call emergency services at visitors’ expense. Persons with limitations are welcome but assume full responsibility for their health and equipment.  Dogs MUST be tethered at all times!
  1. Visitors assume full responsibility for their children under age 18, possessions, vehicles and equipment. Electronic equipment has been known to malfunction upon visiting for unknown reasons.  It is recommended that visitors turn off cell phones in the mine area, and use caution when operating devices.
  1. USE CAUTION at the mine site. WATCH YOUR STEP! Restrain yourselves & children from running!
  1. NO alcohol, illegal substances, or weapons are permitted in the mine. Vaping or Smoking is permitted at the parking area ONLY; please do not litter! Extinguish butts inside vehicles (Federal law).
  1. Visitors agree to drive on mine roads only, not drive off-road, and abide by the posted speed of 5 mph, and to set parking breaks upon arrival. Visitors agree to not go or dig beyond POSTED SIGNS. (show sign)
  1. Crystals have SHARP edges or points that can cause cuts. We have a First-Aid kit if needed.  It is recommended to wear hand and/or eye protection while digging or handling crystals.  Do not HAMMER rocks, ground, due to flying debris. Do NOT dig under trees taller than you! (Timber!)
  1. Food and drinks may be brought; all TRASH must be carried OUT. NO glass is allowed in the mine.
  1. In event of severe weather or other emergency, all Visitors will be required to exit the premises IMMEDIATELY. Do not panic or run. Gather personal belongings and return to the STORE for further instruction. There are NO storm safe structures on the premises. In case of LIGHTNING, shelter in car. REFUNDS: Staff may grant full refunds before first 20 minutes, no crystals may be taken if full refund
  1. In event of any emergency, call 911. Report any other problems immediately to staff. Management reserves the right to refuse service, at its discretion, to anyone for any reason at any time.
  1. Upon finishing with the digging, STOP BY the store to check out. Staff will take a photo of how FULL the yellow bucket is, then your crystals may be removed. You keep what you find! Return bucket & tools.

***Extra buckets OR rocks that do not fit in bucket, are charged an extra $10 each, Thank you!***

  1. All Visitors agree to hold Board Camp Crystal Mine LLC, and its associates, harmless of any and all liability. Regulations may be updated. USE RESTROOM???  GET R DONE! GO HAVE FUN!