Board Camp Crystal Mine

HELLO, FRIENDS!  We are OPEN seasonally last weekend in February through end of October!  (We are closed every winter to let the Earth rest.)
Please watch for our RESERVATION CALENDAR by first of every February!  EASILY reserve your visit, right here, ahead of time! :)
 Thanks for your interest and we look forward to meeting you! 
CAUTION! GPS ERROR! Some phone apps are showing us located West of Mena.  We are 10 miles East of Mena on Hwy 8E in the town of Board Camp. 
Use our Lat/Long:  34.53613,-94.09186

110 Polk Road 62, Mena, Arkansas,  71953

Lat/Long 34.53613,-94.09186       Check Weather & Directions Here

HELLO!  THANK YOU all for your interest in Board Camp Crystal Mine!  We appreciate yall! 

Please check our reservation calendar by clicking the RESERVE NOW button below

Or call or text us with your questions at 479-243-0771!

Plan your visit BEFORE we close for the winter… OUR LAST day this year is November 1.


  We realize stuff happens to delay us while traveling, but we are on a schedule with our visitors who are on time.  PLEASE give yourself EXTRA TRAVEL time!  If you are MORE than 15 minutes late this year, we will ask you to reschedule, you can trade the pre-paid fee for items in our store, or you may request a refund which will be issued, with the exception of the PayPal card processing fee. PP does not refund their fee to us. Please arrive at your SCHEDULED RESERVATION TIME!
Thank you very much for understanding!     AND… while you might be waiting…
…view our 10-minute segment on “Expedition Unknown”…  just click “See us on TV” at the top! Also our YouTube link!
AND… to see more video & hear our story on podcast, please visit the NEWS tab below!  See us on PRIME among others! 
RESERVE your Crystal Dig or UnXplained Tour right now and save some time

Hello Friends!  

You can make your reservation online, by clicking “Reserve Now” or “Crystal Digging”, or “UnXplained Tour” above!  We look forward to seeing our old friends and meeting new friends!  

Thank you for your business, and most of all, your friendship! Your hosts, Cheryl, Debbie & Orville

Hello Friends!  We appreciate your visit!  Dig your own beautiful crystals!  We show you how!  YOU KEEP WHAT YOU FIND!  It’s a TRUE Treasure Hunt!  It’s FUN!

WE DON’T LEAVE YOU ALONE, WONDERING WHAT TO DO! Our mine guide, Debbie, HELPS you find crystals!

Our Outdoor Venue offers Fresh Air, Sunshine and Crystal EnergyVisit, Enjoy & Relax!

Your friendly Doggies, on a leash, are welcome too! 


For Lodging, Dining and more activities in our area of the beautiful Ouachita (pronounced “wash-it-taw”) Mountains, check out Mena Polk County Chamber of Commerce
We look forward to seeing old friends & meeting new!  Find & Like us on Facebook AND Instagram!  
Thanks again! Your friends, Cheryl, Debbie, & Orville