Board Camp Crystal Mine

HELLO, FRIENDS!  We are OPEN seasonally last weekend in February through end of October!  (We are closed every winter to let the Earth rest.)
Please watch for our RESERVATION CALENDAR by first of every February!  EASILY reserve your visit, right here, ahead of time! :)
 Thanks for your interest and we look forward to meeting you! 
CAUTION! GPS ERROR! Some phone apps are showing us located West of Mena.  We are 10 miles East of Mena on Hwy 8E in the town of Board Camp. 
Use our Lat/Long:  34.53613,-94.09186

110 Polk Road 62, Mena, Arkansas,  71953

Lat/Long 34.53613,-94.09186       Check Weather & Directions Here
Reserve your Crystal Dig or UnXplained Tour right now and save some time!
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